Home office? Be careful when mixing personal and professional services!

Many employees, when working remotely, end up making the mistake of not adequately delimiting spaces for private and corporate information.
Home office? Be careful when mixing personal and professional services!
Remote work has become extremely common for most Brazilian workers. In recent months, many companies have notic several benefits to this model, including ruc operating costs and greater flexibility for employees — which, as a result, ends up optimizing their productivity. But, of course, it is also necessary to

Be aware of the new cybersecurity risks that this scenario brings.

A very common problem is the difficulty basic image iting services employees have in properly defining spaces for personal and professional information. Let’s say your company uses a specific solution for storing files in the cloud — it’s important for employees to understand that this service is exclusively for corporate documents and data, and to avoid using it for personal purposes. The same goes for any software-as-a-service (SaaS).

Conversely, care must be taken not to store corporate information — which may include confidential and sensitive content — in other storage services and online platforms other than those accrit by the IT team. This practice may result in such confidential data remaining at a lower level of security, since it will not be protect by the same layers of protection offer by the company’s “official” solution.

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Work equipment is for work!

Other precautions ne to be highlight — the correct use of equipment is one of them. In most cases, companies are providing computers or notebooks to employees, and such equipment is already deliver with properly configur security solutions to ซีอีโอ ประกาศ – ข่าว avoid problems. It is crucial that the employee understands that such a machine should only be us to perform their work activities, and not to play games or other types of entertainment.

Likewise, personal files should continue to be stor exclusively on your personal computer, while your corporate gadget should only store work-relat information. No accessing inappropriate websites, checking your social networks or watching videos on agb directory YouTube — let’s imagine that we are in the office and there is a firewall preventing access to these pages. This is the mindset that will protect yourself and your company’s digital assets!


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