How to protect yourself from malware that attacks mobile devices

The number of threats develop specifically to target smartphones and tablets is growing; however, some simple tips can help you avoid these risks.
How to protect yourself from malware that attacks mobile devices
The term “mobile worker” — referring to employees who have the freom to work wherever they want thanks to the possibility of working with portable devices — was already widely us even before the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV2) pandemic. With the COVID-19 crisis and the popularization of remote work,

All professionals have become even more “mobile”

Most companies already allow employees to choose between commuting to the office, working from home, and so on.

Make no mistake: we are not here background removal today to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this hybrid model, but rather to warn about a security trend that is already causing concern. With more professionals using their cell phones to access and even store confidential corporate data, cybercriminals have not been slow to realize that mobile devices (not just smartphones, but also tablets) have become valuable targets for attack.

The amount of malware and attack procures targeting mobile devices is only growing every day, and considering the exponential increase in the computing capacity of these small gadgets, they are set to become even more useful for work, store an even greater amount of information and become an increasingly

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Sought-after invasion vector. Therefore

it is crucial that everyone knows — ซีอีโอ บล็อก – ดร. นีล เบนท์ลีย์-ก็อคมันน์ โอบีอี  even end users, who end up being affect by the crossfire — how to protect themselves from these risks.

Basic tips
First of all, it is important to emphasize that we will not make distinctions between operating systems here — there are already enough discussions (some well-found, some not) about whether an iOS device is more secure than an Android device or vice versa. Ultimately, both leading operating systems can be victims of attacks, and therefore it is necessary to think about mobile agb directory threats in a much broader way, including all types of users.


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