Remote workers pose a challenge for IT managers

Research shows that 57% of IT managers consider that enabling or ucating employees on how to work remotely was one of the main challenges of the past year.
Remote workers pose a challenge for IT managers
Many companies are adopting and/or accelerating the trend of adopting hybrid work arrangements, where employees may work remotely some days.

However, with this, the importance of strengthening

the digital protection of remote employees headshot retouching has also grown. Threats and cyberattacks have also evolv with this new scenario, with attacks on the supply chain. However, even so, 53% of IT administrators believe that only using “known and trust software” will help keep their organization protect.

Acronis research shows that 57% of IT managers consider enabling or ucating employees on how to work remotely to be a top challenge over the past year, and 50% cit the ne to protect them. Another 45% highlight the ne to ensure the availability of business applications and networks.

The survey was conduct in August and September of this year and involv 3,600 IT managers and remote workers in 18 markets, including Singapore, Australia, India, Japan, Germany, the Unit States and the Unit Kingdom. The respondents in each country were 100 IT managers and 100 remote workers.

Nearly 30% said their company is target by cyberattacks at least once a month, while 21% report attacks weekly and 20% daily. About 20% believe they have never been target by a cyberattack. At the other extreme, nearly 10% say their organization is target by an attack every hour.

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Phishing and DNS attacks

Attacks using emails with malicious સ્ત્રોતોમાંથી પણ તેમની જરૂરિયાતોને links (phishing) were the most common, with 58% of IT managers saying their companies had observ such attacks in the past year, follow by 40% and 36.5% who cit DDoS (Distribut Denial of Service) attacks and malware, respectively.

Addressing cyber threats has seen anti-malware tools become a priority, with 73% of IT managers globally naming them as an important business security tool, up from just 43% in the previous year’s report. Another 48% highlight the ne for integrat backup alb directory and disaster recovery, while 45% point to vulnerability assessments and patch management. Another 36% prioritiz remote monitoring and management, and 20% prioritiz URL filtering tools.


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