TikTok User Demographics

TikTok has a diverse user base that includes people of all ages and industries. However, the majority of TikTok users younger generations, such as Gen Z and millennials.

The majority (80%) of TikTok users between the ages of 16 and 34.
Almost all of TikTok’s users, save 7%, under 50 years of age.

The platform leans female, with 60% of users

identify as female and 40% identify as male.
TikTok is particularly popular among urban and suburban users. With about 44% of users liv in urban or suburban as and only 18% in rural as.
The app is split fairly equally amongst users of different ethnicities. Accord to Pew Research Center, the American user breakdown includ 31% Hispanic American users, 30% African American users, and 31% Caucasian American users.
Accord to GlobalWebIndex. The most prominent vibe given off by TikTok content is funny (75%), follow by creative (61%), trend (45%), informative (32%), and motivational (32%).
It’s important to note that TikTok’s algorithm and user behavior. Can change over time, so stay updat and adapt your TikTok B2B strategy accordly is essential.

tiktok influencer rates chart

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Cost of Influencer Market on TikTok
Not only is TikTok climb in popularity. Its algorithm and reach is disrupt traditional pric models and influencer rates. Some nano influencers may reach millions of views each month, while some macro influencers may have larger follower counts with less engagement. Shopify notes macro and mega influencers may even earn more than $10,000 per post.

If you’re not sure how to budget for TikTok

try this formula from InBeat or plug information into an earns calculator:

CPM (cost per thousand) = (Average number of views, likes, and comments bas on the last five TikTok pieces) / cost of content

YouTube: The OG of Video Content
YouTube may have start as a platform for cat videos and makeup tutorials, but it’s now the largest video-shar platform in the world. The platform boasts over 2.7 billion active monthly users. The platform is particularly popular among older generations, with the majority of users be over the age of 30.

YouTube favors long-form, ucational content that is informative and relevant to the user. The platform’s algorithm favors well-produc, well-research content that provides value to viewers. So, YouTube is a great platform for businesses that want to create in-depth, ucational content that will establish them as thought leaders in their industry.

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YouTube User Demographics

YouTube has a diverse user base that includes people of all ages, genders, and locations.

56% of Gen Z, 54% of millennials, 48% of Gen X, and 26% of boomers say they most often discover new products on YouTube.
The vast majority of adults under the age of 65 say they use YouTube. Males ag 25 to 34 make up the site’s largest audience, draw in 12.2% of users under age 65.
YouTube has a diverse user base in terms of gender, with a slight majority of users be female (51%).
Cost of Influencer Market on YouTube

YouTube influencer market is arguably

one of the most expensive types of influencer market. Still, in general market terms, it’s a cost-effective way to reach a target audience, especially for B2Bs work with smaller influencers that have niche audiences. Content creators on YouTube can receive income through multiple channels, includ monetiz their videos, Google Adsense, and paid opportunities. Calculators can help determine the amount an influencer might earn on YouTube.

YouTube influencer rates chart
Instagram: The Picture-Perfect Platform
Puppy pics and latte art abound, Instagram is a visual-bas platform that focuses on high-quality, aesthetically pleas content. The platform has over 2 billion monthly active users, with a diverse user base that includes people of all ages and industries.

high-quality photos and videos that creative and unique. Its algorithm favors content that is relevant to the user. With Instagram’s emphasis on aesthetics, it’s a great platform for businesses that want to visually showcase their products or services. The platform also offers a variety of sell tools that allow marketers to include shopp links directly in posts.

Interestly enough, the “picture-perfect” platform favors video content, with video posts receiv twice as much engagement as photo posts. Additionally, Instagram’s feature of IGTV (Instagram TV) is also prioritiz in the algorithm, and it allows for longer-form video content.

Instagram also amplifies any content that receives engagement quickly after be post. A study by BuzzSumo found that posts that receive engagement within the first hour of be post more likely to be shown in users’ fes than posts that receive engagement later.

Instagram User Demographics
Instagram is one of the most popular social mia platforms, with over two billion monthly active users worldwide. The platform is particularly popular among younger demographics, with a significant portion of its user base fall within the age range of 25 to 34.

90% of users follow at least one business account on Instagram.
The platform is split fairly evenly when it comes to gender.
India, the U.S., and Brazil lead the world in countries with the most Instagram users.
Research shows that Instagram has influenc buyers’ purchas decisions, with many users say they’ve made a purchase after see someth in the app.
Users love to engage with Instagram carousels and video, so B2Bs should prioritize that kind of content when work with influencers on the platform.
Cost of Influencer Market on Instagram
On Instagram, influencer market pric models tend to stick to the basic formula of more followers = higher cost. However, Instagram influencers have also been known to break down costs bas on the kind of content. In do this, influencers can charge a premium for content that performs well and is more complex to make—like video, for example—and short-liv posts, like Instagram Stories, may cost less.
You may also ne to account for travel, wardrobe, or other expenses and resources us to create content. To see what an influencer might charge on Instagram, reference earns calculators like this one from Influencer Market Hub.

Instagram influencer rates chart

LinkIn: The B2B Stronghold
As the original social mia home for B2Bs, it would be remiss not to include LinkIn in this list. In reality, every B2B should have a presence on LinkIn—no matter what—and pieces of content post on other platforms should likely be repurpos for your LinkIn audience. LinkIn influencer market allows brands to reach decision-makers and influencers in specific coinbase virtual currency database industries and roles. Plus, LinkIn’s algorithm is tailor to deliver content to users bas on their professional interests, mak it more likely that your content will be seen by the right people.

Influencer market on LinkIn can also help to build trust and cribility, as influencers on the platform typically thought leaders and experts in their respective fields.

LinkIn User Demographics
LinkIn has a diverse user base that includes professionals from various industries, job titles, and locations. Users on LinkIn look to network, develop their cers, and connect with like-mind professionals. LinkIn is a great platform for B2B businesses to connect with customers and partners, find new business opportunities, and build brand awness.

LinkIn has over 1 billion members across

200 counties, with a majority of users be professionals in various industries.
Accord to Statista, LinkIn has the highest penetration among the 25 to 34 age group by far, with nearly 60% of the user base worldwide fall into the category.
LinkIn’s audience has two times the buy power of the average audience—and four out of five members drivers of business decisions.
Cost of Influencer Market on LinkIn
The average cost of influencer market on LinkIn can vary widely, just like the other social platforms. For example, LinkIn Lives can start at $1,000, but it depends on the industry, influencer reach, engagement rate, and the topic. While there isn’t a consensus on alb directory influencer rates per post and tier, we’ve found LinkIn influencers generally receive between $X-X. Additionally, many LinkIn influencers may be open to cross-brand promotions, discount codes, speak opportunities, or access to products and services.




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