Effective facebook advertising

On March 4, 2022, Roskomnadzor decided. If you are in Russia, most likely, both social networks are currently unavailable to you. But we have some useful materials for you. The average user is happy with the changes that have taken place, as they are now able to communicate with their friends more efficiently. The average marketer is shocked. The purge of media and brand content from the feed has led to the need to reconsider the methods of interacting with potential clients. How to promote products and services on Facebook now? I monitored my feed and selected 25 illustrative examples of effective advertising for you.

News Feed Advertising

The most obvious example is advertising in the Facebook news feed. It takes into account the user’s interests, is adapted to community standards, and at first glance is perceived as any other post. For these reasons, some sources classify it as native advertising. In my feed, for every six regular posts, there is one advertising post. What about yours? The only difference between the ad and friends’ posts is the presence of a light-gray “Advertisement” icon. Like other posts, it has likes, and users share it with their friends.  To increase the level of trust in the information, it is possible to show the ad to your subscribers and their friends. To do this, when defining the audience in the advertising profile interface, add the connection type “Friends of people who like your page”.

A phone number library is usually a collection phone number library or database that holds a group of phone numbers, organized for different uses like customer service, marketing, outreach, or business tasks. Companies can use these libraries to handle contacts, automate messages, or do market research.

Advertising in Facebook communities

phone number list

Active publics with a suitable target audience are a great platform for advertising. The greatest response is caused by texts and images that organically flow into the community content, are useful for users and are written in their language. Among the many posts from regular Momshare community members is an advertisement for a travel program for mothers and children Advertising in narrowly-themed communities is almost 100% hit to the target audience.

Participants visit the public for interesting information related to their professional activities and read the advertising post. Advertisement of security software on the page of the community “Club of Directors When selecting groups to place your ads in, look not at the number of members, but at the reach of posts and user activity. You can agree on placing ads in a community either directly by contacting the page administrator or through exchanges: Epicstars, Blogun, ForumOk, Plibber, Twite. They have already collected a large number of sites ready to place ads. By the way, exchanges work not only with communities, but also with individual Facebook users, provided that the account is popular enough.

Advertising in posts of popular personalities

Subscribers-fans, as a rule, have a positive attitude towards recommendations published on the pages of popular bloggers and authoritative the ultimate guide to social media platforms for b2b influencer marketing specialists. The words of a person known in wide (or narrow) circles inspire much more trust than the most beautiful banner or video. Users submit friend requests and subscribe to people whose opinions are important to them. Fans know that their idol talks about truly important and valuable things. They follow their publications and read them to the end.

Self-promotion on a personal Facebook page

Self-promotion of coaches, designers, jewelers, copywriters and other specialists on Facebook is a common thing. In regular posts, they talk about themselves and their work, reveal professional secrets. Therefore, users are not at all against advertising publications . They need this information in order to have time to buy a product or a course. Advertising itself is useful content for subscribers. Elena Hermans’ webinars on family history are of interest to those who want to learn more about their ancestors. Advertising in narrowly-themed communities is almost 100% hit to the target audience. Participants visit the public for interesting information related to their professional activities and read the advertising post.

Native Facebook Advertising

Native advertising does not sell “head-on”. Sometimes big work it is even difficult to tell whether the content is sponsored or written from the heart. Interesting stories and reviews with a personal subtext do not cause rejection and are not identified as paid advertising. Frankly, I don’t know for sure whether the examples given in this section are advertising. Whether the authors received money, discounts or the advertised product for them.

Posts with personal “tricks”, humor and useful information have the highest chance of going viral. Is Lidiya Raevskaya’s post an advertisement or a sincere desire to share light and goodness with her subscribers? You can agree on placing ads in a community either directly by contacting the page. Administrator or through exchanges Epicstars, Blogun, ForumOk, Plibber, Twite. They have already collected a large number of sites ready to place ads. By the way, exchanges work not only with communities, but also with individual Facebook users, provided that the account is popular enough.


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