How much does SEO website promotion cost and how to calculate the cost?

How much does SEO website promotion cost and how to calculate the cost?

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Maxim Zakharov
Founder of WillDay Studio
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What does the cost of promotion consist of?
Types of payment for SEO

Example of calculating the cost of promotion:

In this article we want to discuss an important issue – pricing of SEO website promotion . Many people have different questions “you will do optimization email data and then you will rest, then why does the price not change”, “does it cost 50,000 rubles to change the headings and write meta tags?”, “how much time do I need to pay for my site to be at the top”, etc.

The cost of promotion depends primarily on the goals and objectives. You can pay 10-15 thousand rubles to some company and be happy that your traffic has increased by 100 people in a month. But if the goal is to achieve some more serious result, then the cost will be higher, but more on that later.

You can still find the “Age Factors” tariff on the RuNet.

The contractor does nothing with the site, and the site itself grows over time, since age slightly affects the site’s positions.
You can generate 3-5 longreads (long review articles for the blog) and optimize 20 sections monthly, not forgetting about technical optimization.

The cost of such promotion can be from 50,000 rubles per month, but at the same time you will receive several tens of thousands in traffic growth per year. Everything depends on the composition of the team that will promote, as well as on the hours spent.

What does the cost of promotion consist of?

Here are the basic things that affect the operatiounsbedreiwer, musst dir am assessment. In general, these points are mentioned in almost all articles, we will not focus on them too much. Below in the article we will give detailed budget assessments in maximum detail and with numbers.

The amount of content that needs to be generated (descriptions of services, products, blog articles, store sections, etc.);
Level of competition (how the top sites are optimized, how cell p data many links they have, how much content, quality of design, IKS of sites, number of aggregators in the top, etc.);



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