How do you do it in these cases? 

Online content must be written to be read by a human on one hand, and by Google’s algorithm on the other.
What you will find in this article:
Why will SEO and Copywriter always be at war with each other?
The Distinctive Characteristics of SEO and Copywriter.

Can SEO and Copywriting Really Not Coexist?

Eternal-fight-between-SEO-and-Copywriter Easy Web Marketing
There are days when SEO and Copywriter just can’t get along.

These are the days when a web content writer has to write for the most abstruse topics and SEO doesn’t want to hear about collaborating.

Those were bad days.

There may be days when you have to prepare a series of articles to position a website that deals with laser dies (which is a really cool topic!).

Or those days when your client asks you to want to be in the top positions on Google for a keyword that is unlikely to be suitable for the business he deals with.

In these cases what do I do? I work hard.

Maybe I’ll clear my mind first with a nice walk or an activity that distracts me momentarily. Something manual or simply a moment of internal reflection.

Exploring new universes and learning new backlink building service stories can help me find the right writing key for those laser dies!

Why will SEO and Copywriter always be at war with each other?
(This is just my opinion, but I would love for you to leave your comment to let me know yours. Even if you are not an SEO Copywriter, of course!)


They are two sides of the same coin.

Online content, on the one hand, must be built Réelle d’un délinquant Rappelez-vous simply comment to be read by a human being, on the other, to be read by an algorithm. A robot that has very little human and thinks in formulas, variables, percentages.

If you write for one type of reader, you can hardly please the other.

But these are the rules of the game. Anyone  big work who reads an optimized article, even if written by the most experienced and skilled SEO Copywriter, will always perceive that aseptic and artificial tone. They will start looking at the page they are reading with an eyebrow raised like Carlo Ancelotti’s.

Carlo Ancelotti eyebrow eternal fight between SEO and Copywriter
This is Carlo Ancelotti, football coach and famous for his raised eyebrow in every situation.
When there was no web and no search engines, the moment of reading was mostly governed by authors, writers, journalists in print. People who made writing their strong point.

Today we try to translate this noble art into digital

How many times has Google informed us, through new and increasingly frequent updates, that the indexing and positioning of websites on the SERP would be increasingly efficient from the point of view of Search Intent ?

Start Digital Marketing-banner-test-self-assessment-marketing-Easy-Web-Marketing-Nicola-Onida-SEO-Copywriter.

It never convinced me.

I continue to scour SERPs and top search results made up of web pages and content that Google itself defines as thin content . And which it had promised to clean up.

Web articles that are positioned at the top and full of grammatical errors. Blog posts written by self-styled gurus in the narrowest possible niche that make you wonder how they became gurus. Carnival formatting and overall content value equal to zero.


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