How to Start Communicating with Your Customer

Discover effective strategies to strengthen your online presence, from the importance of local SEO to content marketing. Get tangible results and grow digitally!
What you will find in this article:
The Corporate Communication Dilemma.

Have you ever tried to Listen Before You Speak?

Strategies for Effective Communication.
If you want to be understood you have to speak the same language.
We all think we know what our customers want. It’s natural, it’s called overconfidence bias: overestimating our ability to understand reality.

But who among us who manage and run a social bookmarking services small or medium-sized business has truly immersed ourselves in the deepest desires of our target audience?

Opening a profile on is the easiest

It is a technical step so even if no one has hosted volp: the telephone switch in the cloud taught you how to do it, with a lot of attempts you get what you need. You have your new profile on social media. Now what?

The real work begins when it comes to speaking big work your customer’s language. Resonating in their mind on a level that goes beyond the superficial.

What you will find in this in-depth study on what to say to the Customer:
The Corporate Communication Dilemma: Talking Without Knowing What to Say.

Listening is more important than speaking

Where to Start with Effective Communication
The Corporate Communication Dilemma
Problem : Small and medium-sized businesses (I’m talking about the local shopkeeper or the b2b professional who wants to start promoting themselves online) often treat blogs and social media as an obligation, not as an opportunity. Everyone does it, I can’t stay out of it. Result? Channels (social and website) abandoned to their fate. For example, the company blog is remembered only to publish sterile, lifeless press releases that no customer would ever dream of reading.

Main causes :

Audience Ignorance: It’s not enough to know the age and geography of your audience. Do you know their dreams, their fears, what makes them wake up in the morning? These seem like questions more suited to a psychoanalysis session, but there’s a reason, and we’ll see why in a moment.
Absent Content Marketing Strategy: Opening a channel is useless without a content strategy that aims to build a real connection between your business and the people it is aimed at. Why dance around topics or subjects that may be trendy but that do not move the purchase for your customer?
Superficial Measurement (or none at all): if you don’t measure, you don’t know. And if you don’t know, you don’t grow. The lack of analysis (even minimal) leads to a dull communication. It is perpetuating a talking to yourself: sooner or later your body and your mind will tire of it.


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