Cybersecurity Trends 2022: From Evolving Threats to Hybrid Work Challenges

Hybrid working will be one of the key challenges fac by many organizations as they move towards the new normal.
Cybersecurity Trends 2022: From Evolving Threats to Hybrid Work Challenges
When the entire world stay home in 2020, most companies had to implement teleworking and focus on providing solutions for their employees to get things done through online tools.

This work model – new to many – prov to be very

effective, as employees found it to provide a better work-life balance, saving time and money on commuting to an office. What’s more, many managers drop shadow were surpris to see that not only did productivity not drop, but in many cases it actually increas.

In 2021, it became clear that remote work is here to stay. According to a survey conduct by ESET in Latin America, 70.5% of workers are more concern about cybersecurity than ever before and 91% of companies have had to digitize critical processes. However, 30% of respondents believe that their company is not better prepar to face today’s threats. In fact, 77% of respondents use their personal computer to work and 57% have not receiv the necessary security tools to work from home.

Considering the tools adopt by companies, only 30% use basic solutions to protect remote access, such as two-step authentication or a VPN connection, and only 52% have carri out security training for teleworkers.

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The hybrid work model and the challenges for companies

In this context, and with many ഡിസ്കോ എലീസിയത്തിൻ്റെ organizations “returning to normal,” it seems that the path propos by the “hybrid” work model is the most popular. In fact, 55.4% of workers who return to in-person work do so in just a few days, being able to divide their week between days when they work from home and days when they go to the office.

While it stands to reason that with all the time that has pass, companies are now more prepar for remote work than they were in the early 2020s, leaders at many agb directory organizations admit that they are still not as aware of the impact of the hybrid work model.


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