How to reduce email weight and improve deliverability?

Maria Diaz
Maria Diaz
Campaign & Events LearomDoppler. He enjoys reading, writing, connecting with music and doing outdoor activities.

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In a world where efficiency and speed are key, lighter emails are essential for effective communication. A heavy email can not only be annoying for recipients, but it can also struggle to be delivered. Here are some strategies to reduce the weight of your emails:


1. Optimize Images

Images are often the main source of weight in emails. Use web-optimized images instead of high-resolution images. Adjust image dimensions to actual size in the email and use lightweight file formats like JPEG instead of PNG.

2. Compress Attachments
If you need to attach files, compress them before sending. You can use file compression tools to reduce the size of documents, presentations, or PDF files. This not only reduces the size of the email, but also makes it easier for recipients to download.

3. Limit Multimedia Content
Avoid overusing multimedia content, such as videos or animated GIFs, in your emails. If necessary, link to these elements instead of embedding them directly in the email. This will help keep the weight down and improve loading speed.

4. Use Text Instead of Images of Text
Instead of creating headers or image content that contains text, use actual text. Search engines can index the text, and your emails will be leaner and more accessible to recipients.

5. Clean up the HTML Code

Unnecessary HTML code can increase the weight of an email. Clean up your code  Kako početi sa SEO-om by removing unnecessary tags or redundant styles. Use a simple and efficient structure instead of complex layouts.

6. Use Links Instead of Attachments
If you have long documents, consider sharing them via links instead of attaching the files directly. You can aqb directory  host the file on a cloud service and provide a download link.

7. Limit the Use of Custom Fonts
Custom fonts can add weight to emails, as the email client must download them to display the content correctly. Limit the use of custom fonts and stick to common web fonts to keep the weight down.

8. Review the Size of the Recipient List
If you send emails to a mass list of recipients, consider segmenting the list and sending emails in smaller batches. This prevents your email server from having to struggle to send large emails.

9. Perform Load Tests
Before sending an important email, perform load tests to ensure it loads and displays correctly on different email clients and devices. This will help you identify weight and formatting issues.

In conclusion, reducing the weight of your emails is essential to ensure effective communication and smooth delivery. Optimize images, compress attachments, and limit multimedia content. Use text instead of text images, and clean up HTML code. These strategies not only improve the recipient experience, but also help avoid delivery issues due to heavy emails.



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