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Else – the Small Stuff

Else – the small stuff that won’t make any difference to your working week. Hoursyou get hours in a week, and if you’re wondering why we are measuring time . Weekly instead of the usual “ hours a day”, you’re about to find out.See, most . Of the tasks that we do throughout the week are recurring or continuing activities, right? . So, the best way to schedule the day is to see that day as a .

Part of the Entire Weekactivities

Part of the entire week.Activities like working out, reading a book, sleeping – it’s best . To measure them as a weekly average because the exact timings of these things might . Vary each day.Another reason why this time management strategy is useful is that a day . Is actually a short span to effectively understand how you spend your time.Let’s say you .

Spend Hours a Week at

Spend hours a week at the office, sleep for bc data hong kong hours a day, watch tv for . Hours a day and take around hours a day to cook and eat your food.This . Still gives you hours a week to do other tasks, something you won’t have been . Able to figure out if you followed the hours a day strategy!So it’s best to . Have weekly goals rather than daily ones for these activities! .

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The Eisenhower Matrix“what is

The eisenhower matrix“what is . Important is update campaigns according to trends seldom urgent and what is urgent is seldom important”, said dwight d. Eisenhower, . Usa’s th president and also the one who created ‘the eisenhower matrix’.This time management strategy . Improves your productivity by teaching you how to prioritize better. It helps you in finding . Out which activities are worth your time and effort, and which ones aren’t.

Like the Triage Technique

Much like the . Triage technique, in the eisenhower  matrix, you’ve to divide all of your day-to-day tasks and . Bigger projects into four quadrants: do, decide, delegate eliminate!The main aspect of this entire . Matrix is differentiating between urgent and important tasks.Urgent tasks are the ones that you need . To deal with as soon as possible. For example, studying for an exam you totally .

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