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Fostering relationships between the writer

developer and user Eileen Web kicked off day 3’s keynote speeches with her presentation: ‘What if…relationships?’ No matter how much planning Fostering relationships goes into a new project via user personas, style guides, content templates and the likes, there is bound to be miscommunication at one step along the way. Eileen discussed how to bridge the gap between the writer, developer, user and other team members to see projects from each other’s point of view and develop working relationships built on genuine care and respect.

Eileen made the compelling case

that projects will always be better when we rcs database have good relationships with our colleagues, partners and clients. Not only will they be more enjoyable, but they will ultimately be more productive because we will have a better understand of each others motivations, needs and values. Seeing as building lasting relationships with our clients is one of our key values ​​​​here at Serps, we would have to agree with her.

Nurturing Creativity

How to come up with new ideas Anthony Brandt drew on his co-authored book, The Runaway Species: How Humans Remake the World to explore the biological and social underpinnings of creativity and how we can use that to develop a framework for new content ideas. If you’ve felt uninspired this past year, you wouldn’t be the only one, and in fact it makes a lot of sense as to why.

Anthony explained how

creativity works in our brains. Biologically speaking, we get our creativity from our brain’s ability to predict scenarios that haven’t happened yet. Putting these imaginary scenarios into practice is creativity in action. However, we also need relationships because humans are social creatures. In many ways our creativity stems from our lived experiences, who we know; where we’re from and how we were raised.

Having said that, we also need

special data

new experiences to inspire us. Bringing the two together helps to foster new ideas and thus inspire creativity. Therefore, at a basic level every human being has the ability to be creative. Putting it into practice is what will make our creations a success. In an encouraging summary, Anthony gave us some key takeaways to use when trying to the tool offers a variety of reporting options develop new content: Create what you love Don’t be afraid to have to try different ideas (and save all your drafts!) Give yourself time Choose who you want to share your work with, not everything needs to be shared with the world Creating change with content strategies Today’s panel was hosted by Malaika Carpenter and friends; Martina Smith, Clifton Simmons and Sarah Fathallah.

Discussing how content strategy

and UX design can work to drive social change – whether it be changing the ways we work or allowing the users we center in our work to change us. Looking at Martina’s contribution in. Developing anti racist language guidelines, Clifton’s involvement in cz leads an inclusive internship. Program and Sarah’s work in independent participatory. Research and design, the panel discussed content strategy for change. Mutually agreeing that our relationships with our audiences should be at the center of strategy and design, the panel. Demonstrated how we can create an

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