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Google search results that appear

While you want to include your target keywords in content — especially in your page titles, headings, and body copy — avoid stuffing your copy with keywords. Keyword-stuffed copy sounds unnatural to readers, and search engines won’t rank your site content if it doesn’t provide a good experience for users. Targeting the Position Zero spot in search engine results can also help you write content that benefits readers and ranks at the top of results. Position Zero refers to above the first organic result.

P0 results directly answer a searcher’s query

Without them needing to click the link to visit hong kong telegram data a site. For example, when I search “best hikes in the world,” Google returns a P0 result with a list of the top hiking spots. best hikesThen, if searchers want to learn more, they can easily click the link in the P0 spot to visit the site and check out their content. Creating content that targets P0 can help your business rank at the top of search results, and it allows searchers to easily find the information they need.

Here are a few quick tips for earning a P0 spot

Arrange content in lists and tables Use questions in subheadings Create content that directly answers searchers’ questions Include images that support your content Break content into easily digestible snippets For more info on snagging a P0 spot for your most valuable keywords, check out our helpful tips. Want more web writing tips? Read our post about how to write for the web. 3. Break up text with engaging visuals To create digital content that provides visitors with a great user experience, you’ll also want to break up text with engaging visuals.

You can write an amazing piece of content

Full of valuable information. But nobody wants to read block after block of plain text. eye roll*Actual footage of your site readers scrolling through blocks of text (right before they hit the back button — ouch). Spice up your content marketing with images, videos, graphics, and interactive elements. More than half of the population consists of visual learners, and the human brain processes visuals faster than text.

Adding visuals to your site content engages visitors

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Makes it easier for them to digest information and the key to improving user experience encourages them to spend more time on your site — which signals to search engines that your site provides a great user experience. Need some more tips for using images and videos for content marketing? Take a look at this blog post! 4. Share your content After you create a piece of content, it’s time to share it! Make your content easily shareable with social sharing buttons, and encourage readers to like and tweet.

Social sharingYou can also share digital content

via your own social media platforms. This is a bulk lead great way to increase brand reach and send social followers back to your website to learn more. In addition to sharing on social, don’t be afraid to reach out to industry influencers and other businesses to see if they’re willing to share your content. If they like what they see, they may share your content on their own sites and include a backlink to your site.

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