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Inbound marketing and outbound marketing

Inbound marketing and outbound marketing. is the basis of all activities aimed at selling goods and services. The aim is to promote the offer of a given company by pointing out its advantages, thanks to which the consumer feels the need to have them – it is difficult to achieve sales success. In order for a potential customer to become real  rcs database should be constructed in such a way that the communication is perceived as personalized and professional, and the offer – attractive. Only then is it possible to really be interested in buying a product or service that will meet the need, or even arouse it. It is also important to build a positive image of the brand. There are many types of marketing activities that serve to achieve these goals. One of the divisions is to indicate inbound marketing and outbound marketing. We want to present this difference in this text. We cordially invite you to read the entry!

Inbound marketing – what is it?

The name of this type of marketing comes from the word “inbound”, which means “to come” and is closely related to the scope of the activities undertaken. Inbound marketing is based on such marketing communication, the assumption of which is to persuade the consumer to take a close interest in the details of the offer of a given company, and consequently – to use it. In such a case, the initiative on the part of the company consists in creating a message and familiarizing potential customers with it through a selected communication channel. This may have a direct impact on the expression of interest on the part of the customer. In this type of marketing activities, the responsibility for starting interaction with the company offering products or services rests with the consumer. This is only possible when the potential customer is interested in the marketing communication reaching them, i.e.:

  • identifies with the values ​​declared by the company,
  • the company inspires a sense of trust in him,
  • the company is a source of valuable knowledge.

The more of the above-mentioned aspects are implemented through the marketing communication of a given company, the more likely it is that the consumer will take the initiative to buy the product or service, and thus the primary goal of a given marketing campaign, which is part of the marketing strategy, will be achieved. In the context of the name, this type of marketing is therefore a kind of customer coming to the company.

Outbound marketing – what is it?

The name of this type of marketing comes from the word “outbound”, meaning “to go out” and – similarly to the inbound marketing mentioned above – it involves addressing the company’s offer to the customer in an open manner. In this type of marketing messages, the customer is not only introduced to the products or services offered to them. They are also aware that the message directed to them is intended to promote the product, and thus to persuade them to buy it. The likelihood of using the offer is greater the more the consumer:

  • perceives the message as responding to his needs,
  • he realizes that he feels a need that he was not aware of before, and the company whose message led to this is able to satisfy it,
  • perceives the offer as more attractive than similar ones.

In relation to the name, outbound marketing is therefore about a company taking the initiative towards the customer. It is considered a traditional form of this type of activity. Associated mainly with those that consumers met before the Internet turned out to be such a favorable space for marketing activities. Of course, very quickly outbound strategies were also adapted to this channel of communication between the consumer and the company. Taking a slightly different form, the purpose of the activities remained unchanged.

Inbound Marketing – Examples

Inbound marketing and outbound. Discreet actions aimed at persuading the consumer to take an interest in the company and its offer are inbound marketing. What does this mean in practice? What marketing communication methods are used to encourage a potential customer to take the initiative? We list and briefly describe the most popular actions.

  • Conscious management of the website. A clear, accessible and intuitive way to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the offer. Use it, but also perceive it as a valuable source of knowledge from the industry of the products or services offered. The fact that the customer shares the company’s mission and identifies with it significantly increases the chance of establishing cooperation.
  • Active use of social media to regularly publish content. Social media is a space where consumer activity is very high. This allows for mass exposure to a variety of content, which can additionally create the impression of being personalized. This allows for positive associations with the brand.
  • Putting a lot of emphasis on content marketing activities. Equipping consumers with the knowledge necessary to use the opportunities created by the modern market in the most conscious way possible.

Outbound Marketing – Examples

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As mentioned, establishing interaction with a potential customer through an initiative from a company offering products or services is outbound marketing. What does this mean in relation to marketing communications? We present the most commonly used outbound activities.

  • Advertisements that directly encourage you to use the company’s offer. Publishon the Internet, television, radio, press or applications. The content of which is focus solely on the advantages of the offered solution.
  •  Which serve – as much as possible – to establish an interpersonal relationship with a potential customer. Through a sense of interest in his person, he will decide to use the offer. This is possible due to giving the impression of a personalized message, which most often begins with a direct, personalized address to the recipient.
  • Leaflets and billboards, associated with the traditional form of reaching the customer.
  • Any other techniques belonging to automated marketing, such as chatbot or push notifications.

Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing – A Comparison

The basic difference between inbound marketing and outbound marketing is that. The first marketing strategy is much less noticeable to the consumer. In other words. Inbound marketing involves reaching a potential customer in such a way that they are as little aware of participating in most important metrics to evaluate the strategy as possible . At the same time.  Outbound marketing, on the other hand.  It can be define as openly encouraging consumers to use an offer by sending messages of a sales nature. In terms of work and time, inbound marketing seems to be much more engaging than outbound marketing,

Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing – Summary

It is worth remembering that the choice of a specific model for conducting. Marketing activities should be select taking into account the company’s business kcrj profile. The specifics of the industry and all other factors and depends solely on what brings the greatest effectiveness. It is worth using the support of specialists in the marketing industry for this purpose.

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