How to make creative for instagram targeting

You know your target audience, you’ve studied their needs and you’re ready to make a statement. One of the most important conditions for the success of your campaign will be a successful advertising creative that will catch the user’s attention. Instagram ads can come in the form of images, carousels, or videos. You’ll notice that there are as many animated examples in this article as static ones. That’s okay: videos are often more effective than regular images, which is why brands prefer to use them in their advertising. We have prepared a selection of techniques that can be used when developing creatives for targeting on Instagram, and also collected examples for inspiration.

General tips

Targeted advertising is an amazing tool that can help you reach not just your target audience, but also people who have already interacted with you in one way or another. For such advertising to be effective, it is important to think through creatives for each type of client: from those who are just getting to know the brand to those who have already made purchases before. To make this easier, you need to think through the Customer Journey in advance – all stages of communication between the client and the business. Of course, you can do without this plan, but then it will be more difficult to find an approach to different users.

A special database is a collection of very specific special database or specialized data created for a particular use. This could include customer databases, industry-specific contact lists, medical records, or specialized research data sets. These databases are commonly used in marketing, business intelligence, or other areas where customized information is needed for making important decisions. Because the data is sensitive and specific, using or accessing a special database usually requires strict adherence to legal and privacy rules, such as GDPR or TCPA.

Consider creative formats and sizes

special database

Instagram offers different types of advertising and several places to place them. The choice of a specific format depends on many factors. For example, on what your audience watches more often: stories or posts. And also on the features of your product: some goods and services are easier to sell with text than with a video. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to guess in advance which format is better, so it is better to try all possible formats first. At the stage of developing creatives, you will have to sweat to adapt the advertising message to all types of placements, but then you will be able to distribute the budget more effectively and reach That Very Client.

Design creatives in a single style

Sometimes the brand’s fame and history become more important and valuable than the USP of a specific product. Use this in advertising: design ads in a single style so that customers recognize you from the half-color and font.

Focus on video

In addition, video gives more to match the influencer with the audience b2b brands can do the following scope for imagination, allows you to tell entire stories without scaring off with canvases of text. Videos of varying levels of complexity work well – both amateur videos and professional high-quality advertising creatives. The main thing is that the content is rich and atmospheric, conveys the USP of the product and emphasizes the features of your company What’s important: many people watch videos and stories without sound. If someone is talking in the ad, add subtitles or a video sequence that conveys the meaning of the video.

The simpler the better

Yes, sometimes you want to show the best of everything at once in an advertisement. No, this usually doesn’t sell. A large number of disparate elements are more likely to scare off and clearly don’t help the consumer remember what was advertised to them in the first place. Here we were shown quite a lot of different products, but there was no point in remembering each of them. These are gifts, they are not trying to “sell” them with this advertising creative, but are shown to confirm the main message.

Time is your enemy

One story lasts only 15 seconds. How often big work do you watch it to the end if you understand that it’s an ad? Most likely, almost never. To make sure your client watches your ad until the end, make it short and immediately tell them what you’re talking about.

Selecting an image for your advertising creative

Visual content is the first thing a person pays attention to when browsing the Instagram news feed. Pay attention to the selection of images to create creativity: a bright picture can attract the user, stimulating them to read the advertising post and follow the link to your website or profile. This can be a bright illustration or a more restrained style – it depends on what product or service you are selling.

You should not choose stock images and graphic solutions. For example, it is advisable to use native images in graphics, and your own images in photo materials. If you take stock solutions, you need to personalize them. Color-correct photographs to match corporate shades, and select elements in graphics that are closest to the corporate style.


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