Home » Key tasks for content strategists Kristina

Key tasks for content strategists Kristina

Halvorson returned for a final time to interview Gerry McGovern, Founder and CEO of Customer Carewords, and discuss his ‘top tasks’ methodology Key tasks for content for content strategists looking to prioritize their content. Gerry explained that ‘top tasks’ refers to crucial content topics. Using his work with the WHO last year as an example, Gerry demonstrated how he used the ‘top task’ methodology to identify what questions people had about the vaccine and determine what content would answer those questions.

On the flip side, he explained

what he refers to as ‘tiny tasks’: content self employed database that is designed purely to push current agendas or play to trends. This type of content ultimately has a shelf life which is not only bad for business strategy in the long run, but it is really bad for the environment as well. In a passionate speech, Gerry explained the vast amount of digital data waste that this creates.

Giving us some serious food for

thought on how to confront the environmental impact of producing never-ending masses of content, and how we can help combat this by developing more medium to long term content strategies. Content that pushes for change Erika Hall closed up Confab with an inspiring closing keynote speech on how to take the lessons we had learned over the 3 day event back to

Because it’s all well and good

having learned all this new information, but what use is it if we do not have the confidence to bring these professional and social changes back to our organizations? Erika discussed that it is fear that holds us all back from change. Fear to challenge ideas, fear to present our own ideas and fear to work with each other to overcome them.

Ultimately, this holds us back

special data

from creating good content design for the user, as we do not challenge the status quo. If you’re truly in a collaborative environment, asking questions and challenging each other’s ideas will feel supportive, not undermining. Erika Hall Erika discussed that what went right and what we need to look inward at. These fears and confront the issues by. Researching, making time for reflection, listening and. Collaborating to create that change.

Leaving us with her top tips for influence

Say what you want and. Need Identify. What you don’t know Ask. Questions and listen Clarify goals and progress Reject dogma That’s a wrap on Confab 2021! This year was an amazing conference full of inspiring content strategists who are cz leads pushing for. Change both withint. Rhe industry and within larger society. we’re. Sure. many may have been . disappointed that. Covid forced this year’s Confab to be held online for the second year in a. Row, we’reO. Pretty pleased .Because it allowed us to. Enjoy the event from all the way over in Scotland.

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