What is SMM and how does social media marketing work for brands? Webpromo Blog

What is SMM?
As we have already notd above, SMM is a strategy that uses social mdia to promote brands, products or services. SMM allows brands to build closer relationships with their audience, increase awareness and attract new customers in the informal, interactive environment of social networks such as:
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What tasks does social media marketing perform?
The main goal of SMM is to help businesses achieve their goals. Asuch as:

Increase traffic

With interesting and relevant content th phone numbers brands can attract the attention of social mdia users and direct them to their website. To achieve this, they should post interesting and relevant posts that contain links to product pages or special offer pages on the blog.

Increase loyalty
Social meia provides the opportunity to directly communicate with customers, which is a key factor in building loyalty. Quickly responding to queries. A solving problems, and providing useful information helps to create a trusting relationship between a brand and its audience. A positive experience with a company on social mdia keeps customers coming back again and again. A which strengthens their loyalty and commitment to the brand.

Attracting new customers


By usingtargeted advertising, influencer campaigns and interactive content (contests, surveys, quizzes) companies can attract the attention of potential customers. Social networks allow you to accurately define and reach your target audience, which makes attracting new customers more effective and efficient.

Creating an image
Publishing quality content that reflects the company’s values ​​and mission helps to create a positive perception of the brand in the eyes of the audience. Social networks allow companies to be open in their communications, which increases trust from consumers. Social networks can also be used to demonstrate expertise in their field, share success stories and customer reviews, which further strengthens the brand’s image.

What does SMM consist of?
Social media marketing consists of several key stages, each of which is important for achieving success in brand promotion:

Analysis of the market, competitors and target audience.
Setting goals and developing strategy.
Formation of a content plan.
Content creation.
Monitoring current  topics and quickly adapting content to interesting events.
Community management: creating an active community around the brand.
Paid promotion: setting up operations operator, you must be in the and launching targeted advertising.
Tracking key performance indicators (KPI) and analyzing results. Adjusting strategy in accordance with the results obtaind.
For small brands, these tasks are performed bySMM specialistAt the same time, companies with large budgets can invest in the formation of separate departments consisting of such specialists:

Which social networks to choose for promotion?

According to statistics, on th phone numbers average, people use 6 different social networks during a month. When choosing a platform to promote your brand, it is important to focus not only on your own preferences. In order to achieve KPI’s and see results from social media marketing, it is important to consider the demographic characteristics and preferences of the target audience.

Each social network is special in its own way and helps in closing various business tasks. For example, Instagram is focused on visual content, while on LinkedIn you can share with users comprehensive articles from your corporate blog.

If you don’t know which platforms to choose for your business, then we’ll share a short cheat sheet about the most popular social media.

Facebook is the most used social networking site worldwide and has over3 billionactive users monthly. The core audience is people aged 25-34, mostly men. This is a kind of base for the online presence of the brand, because here you can share any content: from funny memes to in-depth industry research. In particular, Facebook is a kind of business card of the company, because it is here that people can get information about the brand “first hand”.


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