Native super what advertising should be like

An example is the courses of Tinkoff-Journal. T-J itself has long been not only about the bank and its products, it is more of a lifestyle publication. However, it is still connected with finances, as are the courses that are published in the Textbook, a special section of the magazine. Thus, the courseexplains in detail how to use a credit card and not pay interest, and at the same time gently advertises Tinkoff credit cards.

What is Native Advertising Native super what

Native advertising is content that is useful to the audience (often educational), but created with the support of a specific company. This is advertising, but non-standard: it is informative and has a media character. The coursedoes not directly advertise Tinkoff as a broker. But, most likely, after such a complete and useful product, a person who wants to invest will consider this broker. “Native” is not a product demonstration! It does not have a product offer, an appeal to benefits, or a “buy two and get one free” bait. Even a close-up presentation of a product in an article is rare. “Native” looks like a selfless message from the brand, so it causes less rejection among readers and helps to bypass banner blindness.

A Telegram database usually contains telegram database information about Telegram users, such as their phone numbers, usernames, or group memberships. This data is sometimes used for marketing, contacting people, or analyzing trends. But, gathering and using this data without clear permission can break privacy rules like GDPR and Telegram’s own rules, which don’t allow sending unwanted messages or collecting data without consent.

Why Native Advertising Matters for Brands and Companies Native super what

telegram database

According to, users perceive native advertising 53% better than banner ads, and 32% are even willing to share sponsored content. A fresh study by Lifehacker in favor of native advertising, but from the advertiser’s side. In 2022, companies increasingly turned to the media for advertising – even despite the geopolitical situation, the amount of advertising in the media did not decrease, and in social networks it even increased. Brands have long noticed that it has become difficult to hook an audience with regular banners, and are looking for new formats of communication with potential clients – a good reason to also start using native advertising. Another advantage of native advertising is the guarantees that the publication can give you. Since editorial content is difficult to distinguish from branded content, readers read it just as actively.

Native Advertising Formats

In fact, any editorial format can become 6 best wordpress backup plugins compared (pros and cons) native advertising depending on the platform with which the integration takes place. If a media outlet regularly writes about technology will fit into its agenda and be effective: Native advertising can be easily found in the news feed on social networks. Both in the media and among bloggers. For example, the author of the popular blog about SMM DNative, Alexey Tkachuk, shares that he uses the tool from VKontakte. Considering that the author writes a lot about digital, remote work, individual entrepreneurship, self-employment, native looks organic:

Examples of Native Advertising

On the pages of major media and famous resources, branded placements are usually easy to find. They are labeled with the following tags: “sponsored”, “promo”, “advertisement”, “special project”, “partner material”. For example, the entertainment publication Adme often writes interesting articles . Therefore, it is easy for a relevant advertiser – for example, ZHK – to get into such an article. Lately, native advertising, of course, is associated big work not even with the media, but with bloggers.

They have a lot of native advertising, and not all of them . Unfortunately, are ready to indicate that their publications are made in partnership with companies. In order not to hide the advertising message, it is better not to advertise something that the audience will not like. Here is an example from the DNative blog – it advertises only what will be relevant to the channel’s readers, so it is not embarrassing to put the #native_integration mark on it.

How to Make Native Advertising

First, approach it as regular content. First, answer the reader’s questions, then modestly introduce yourself. It is important that the company is not mentioned. In the advertisement too many times: the benefits come first, and product placement comes last. Secondly, be honest. Don’t try to disguise a press release as news and don’t be embarrassed by labels like “sponsored”. In 2022, Lifehacker recorded a record number of publications, many of which were not actually advertising. But appeared to researchers to be so based on external signs. This suggests that, in the opinion of readers, the line between editorial — non-advertising — and partner materials is becoming thinner, and.  It is increasingly difficult for people to understand where what is.

“It is important to trust the platform you are placing your ad on. For example, our editorial team was able to create a successful  we know how to do it and we are constantly working on new options on our own media platform. This means that we understand how to create native advertising in the format that is in demand by the audience, and we can also offer working tools, for example, for and websites .”


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