Home » What is Word-of-Mouth Marketing? Why is it important?

What is Word-of-Mouth Marketing? Why is it important?

Word-of-Mouth Marketing refers to establishing a good reputation and allowing customers to help the brand recommend products to achieve marketing purposes. Word-of-mouth marketing is divided into many types. The most common word-of-mouth marketing techniques include KOL marketing, viral marketing , etc. In addition to using bulk sms master real cases to introduce these marketing techniques, this article will also analyze the 5T elements of word-of-mouth marketing and reveal the key to successful word-of-mouth marketing.

According to Nielsen’s survey , 92% of consumers trust products recommended by friends or family, which is higher than consumers’ trust in all other advertisements, which shows the importance of word-of-mouth marketing. In addition, the 2021 survey by marketingcharts.com also found that when consumers come into contact with a new brand, the highest proportion of consumers hope to get to know the brand through “word of mouth”, as high as 28%, but only 4% of professional marketers believe that word of mouth is the most important factor for consumers to understand the brand. The best way to understand the brand in mind is that the importance of word-of-mouth marketing is seriously underestimated by marketers.

Classic word-of-mouth marketing case: Ice bucket challenge combining KOL and viral marketing

The most famous word-of-mouth marketing case is the Ice Bucket Challenge, which was very popular about ten years ago. The Ice Bucket Challenge was successful because it used KOL (Key Opinion Leader) marketing and viral marketing at the same time to maximize the spread effect of the Internet. At that time, the organization that launched the ALS fund-raising program designed the Ice Bucket Challenge. The first few participants asked to shoot a challenge video on Facebook and tag three friends to respond. After the tagged person completed the challenge, three more people were tagged. A good friend, in this way practice “one pass to ten, ten to a hundred”.

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Soon, many well-known artists began to respond on Facebook. Because these KOLs had many subscribers and followers, they also had a greater impact on promotion and sharing. Therefore, the Ice Bucket Challenge spread rapidly around the world like a virus. . The organization raised approximately NT$3 million in the first month using almost zero-cost methods.

Highlights of 38 KOLs responding to the Ice Bucket Challenge

The key to successful word-of-mouth marketing: Make good use of digital tools and master the 5T elements

The key to the success of Word-of-Mouth Marketing Strategy is to use digital tools and master the 5T elements. 5T respectively refers to Talkers (talkers), Topics (topics), Tools (tools), Taking Part (interaction) and Tracking (tracking). Among them, in the above-mentioned Ice Bucket Challenge case, the three most outstanding aspects are Talkers, Topics, and Tools.

1. Talkers: Find people with hot discussions and high influence to talk about

In the case of the Ice Bucket Challenge, having many celebrities participate is a great success for Talkers. Different marketing what is line crm? comparison with general crm content will have corresponding KOLs that are most suitable for promotion. For example, for word-of-mouth marketing of beauty brands, it is best to find Youtubers who run beauty channels and small influencers who share the unboxing of beauty products to endorse and recommend the brand.

2. Topics: Provide content and topics that people are happy to share

In the case of the Ice Bucket Challenge, the Ice Bucket Challenge itself is a special experience that can bring sensory stimulation. It makes the event interesting while also arousing the same feelings as those suffering from ALS, so it can become a snbd host classic case of viral marketing. Brands can use data insights, social media popularity monitoring, etc. to understand which topics their targeted audiences like to discuss. In addition, many brands will also provide incentives for consumers to share, such as launching activities such as “share with friends and receive coupons” to attract consumers to voluntarily become brand spokespersons.

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