Home » WhatsApp usage almost surpasses email in Spain

WhatsApp usage almost surpasses email in Spain

This is reveal by the General Mia Study , show how WhatsApp and other instant tools approach the percentage of email users in Spain every month . A study that provides interest figures and data about the use that the population makes of the Internet and the current tools that it uses.  applications continue to grow in a market in which the smartphone is the  k for communications surpasses email .

but it is email that is the  that is users

In this way, the different instant  tools , among which WhatsApp  stands out , have reach 68.1 percent of network users , four points more than the previous quarter. A fairly notable surpasses email  growth since last year in the same quarter, when it was only us by 47.5 percent of individuals . But what is  is not the growth of this tool, since the number of smart terminals in Spain continues to las vegas email list  increase , as does the number of Internet rates that contract, already exce 25 million connect terminals ,

las vegas email list

percent of individuals connect to the Internet , a slight increase the previous quarter, but a sharp decrease to the same quarter  numerology of phone number last year, when it reach 86 percent of Internet users . This is a figure that has not been seen since 2001 , when only a fifth of the Spanish population was connect to the Internet. This figure may have a lot to do with the lack of work and the current economic situation.

Accord to EGM data  email is still us by

This makes clear the constant growth of  tools such as WhatsApp , LINE or WeChat , among others, which continue to increase the percentage of users year after year. This makes it possible to do without other means such as email itself , which is not as convenient via bett email list smartphone despite hav useful and complete email clients such as Gmail , since the value of and other functions such as file shar , us emoticons and designer draws, etc. lost.

In addition, the EGM shows other details such as the growth in the use of applications , which began to be  last quarter, reach 19.6 percent of individuals connect to the Internet ; or how file shar has suffer a significant drop, fall to 7.8 percent . What is maintain surpasses email  other activities such as the use of social networks percent of users , or read current information through the Internet, which is recover after the setback of the last quarter, return to 41.4 percent of connect people . Data that reflect the most current activity and behavior of Spanish Internet users.

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