Home » Why 80% of your blog content is useless

Why 80% of your blog content is useless

Yes, it’s hard. Better someone tells you sooner than later. Much of your content is useless. There are several reasons for this. In a few cases it’s because you lack talent or your content sucks. Quite the opposite. There are many excellent writers among those who decide to launch a blog. The lack of success makes many throw in the towel after a while.

How to recognize that your content is dead

What are the main “symptoms”

The main problem is not the lack of SEO knowledge. You can create content that no one is looking for and be very successful with your blog. If despite publishing 2-3 posts per week for 1 year you still have no success, it may be that your content is useless. In this case you have one or more of the following symptoms.

1. You do not exceed 50 daily visits and/or you do not manage to generate recurring traffic to the blog.

2. You do not know what your readers expect from you.

3. Not even your mother comments on your blog.

What are you doing wrong when creating content for your blog?

If you have recognized yourself in one of the symptoms mentioned above, you may be interested in what you are doing wrong. Among the albania phone number library main mistakes of many bloggers are the following points.

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You write about current events and topics

if you do not have a dozen editors to write for you, your content has an expiration date. The moment current topics change, no one will read those posts again.

2. Your posts are not “scannable”: posts are no gleaned from can stay looped and longer read, they are scanned. You have less than 1 second to attract the user’s attention. You have to design the article in such a way as to prevent the reader from escaping.

3. You are not authentic: many posts do not make a blog. Behind every blog is a person. Your readers read your blog because they want to know you and your opinion. You have to be authentic and not try to say what you think most people want to hear.

4. You write for experts: when you blog it’s not about “waffling” to show that you’re an expert. 80% of your readers won’t be able to follow you and won’t be able to understand what you’re saying. By writing for dummies you’ll be able to increase aub directory the target audience for your blog.

5. You translate your posts into other languages: it’s rarely useful to translate a blog into several languages. When you change language you also change culture where other rules may apply and your content may not be valid.


Your article titles are boring

titles are like the packaging of a product. In many cases the packaging is 80% of the total cost. The same rule applies to content. For example, on Twitter, headlines are key to increasing the CTR of tweets. You probably just noticed that I managed to get your attention since you clicked on the link.

7. You are not original: if you only repeat the idea of ​​others, visitors have no reason to follow your blog. Dare to fail and make mistakes, but copying content from others is not a successful strategy for a blogger.

The key to having a blog is not only to create content that adds value. You also have to think about attracting attention and easy digestion so that there is life in the blog. The quality of your articles is as important as some “details” that help reach more readers.

If you want to know how to generate ontent for eternity, I recommend you subscribe to this blog. I will write about this topic soon.

Do you have a blog and have you overcome this initial phase? What are the main mistakes you have made and how have you overcome them.

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